Pitching Event

Startup - Pitch Perfect

We're thrilled to recap our recent Pitch Perfect event on 1st, December, where we witnessed a whirlwind of brilliant ideas and transformative pitches. We had 4 teams pitching which are XP Now, Workingna, Agro Agape and Polymer. Our event aims to provide founders the opportunity to pitch for fund and network with potential investors.  A special shoutout to our incredible partners, OCIC Group, for their unwavering support in making this event a resounding success.

We are also deeply grateful to our generous sponsors, Auskhmer, Three Corner Coffee, Negocia Capital and Cambodia Investment Review, for their invaluable contributions.

Congratulations to all the participants who bravely shared their ideas and took a step towards making their dreams a reality. Your passion and creativity are an inspiration to us all.

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